Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Summary Post C4K 4-6

Pt England School

I watched Jessica's animation today on her blog from classroom 18 at Pt. England School in New Zealand. I have never done an animation online before and I think this is great that the kids in this class get to something like this. In her animation she is on her way to her nanny's house and plays and falls down on her way there. Her animation is rather short and I suggested that she make a longer one next time since I thought she was good at it. I also think it is great she has done something I never imagined doing in grade 6. You can search Jessica's blog below if you would like to see her animations.
Jessica's Blog at Pt. England School

Today I have read Julietti's blog from Pt. England School in New Zealand. She enjoys math and kind of likes her communication technology course. She talks a little bit about her new class and that she is excited about meeting her new teacher and classmates. Once again I always enjoy reading kid's blogs since they inspire me to continue my hard work within my blog. The students from this school are doing the same things that I am, and I feel it is necessary for me to stay involved in their blogs. This will help me with future projects and lessons that I may teach. This will also help with the technology literate student and my confidence in teaching them since they may indeed know as much as I do on the subject.

Kennedy Options-CookingMelville Room 8
Melville Room 8 from New Zealand

I had to pleasure of commenting on a classroom of 12 and 13 year olds from Melville Intermediate in New Zealand that was cooking for the day, as well as documenting their work. They all did a wonderful job following the directions and they learned how to cook as well as operate a camera. I commended them on their efforts because I would love to incorporate things like this into my classroom. They all seemed like they were having lots of fun doing their work which is always a pleasing sight.

1 comment:

  1. Good post! I think it is great what students can do these days. And to know that we can find out what New Zealand students are doing in their classroom is truly amazing. I really enjoy the comments for kids. Its very exciting to know we can learn about other students everywhere.
